Thursday 4 November 2010

First Piece on Logic Pro

For my first piece on logic pro I decided to make a sort of R&B style of song. I decided to pick this style of music because I like the style of music and I like the beats that are involved in this style. As this was my first ever piece on logic I didn't really have a great understanding of how to use all the loops and the mixer, etc. So therefore this song is quite basic with only 5 different tracks and loops. Although its basic I think that it is good and simple but affective. I also added on a recording of a girl in my group called Makala playing the acoustic guitar to a Tracey Chapman song. I think this makes the song even better because I recorded her playing myself and I have now got a better understanding of how to use logic pro and how to record an instrument and then transfer it all into logic and create a track. below is a video which I have also created using Final Cut, which has a print screen of my track from logic with my track playing over the top. I bounced my track into an MP3 file, then took a print screen and imported them both into final and just put them both on the time line and then exported it using quick time conversion.

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