Thursday 4 November 2010

Soundtrack for Alien

I had a lesson on making a soundtrack for a film trailer. I had three different film trailers to choose from, they were, Alien (1979), The Lion King and Mission Impossible. I chose to use the Alien film trailer because it seemed to be the one that I was more interested in making a soundtrack for. Some of the different musical genres I though of that suited the mood/style of the film well were science fiction, suspense, horror, fast-paced. I watched the trailer before I started making my soundtrack, and I found out that the beginning of the trailer starts off black and slowly the camera cranes over a planet with space type music, which is what I did to start off my soundtrack. After about 20-30 seconds the trailer quickly increases in speed and the music tempo increases also, which shows that this film is an action/horror with suspense and fear. I also changed the tempo of the music higher to fit in well with the suspense. I decided to use a few different atmospheric loops throughout my soundtrack because I wanted to set a scary atmosphere to fit in well with the genre of the film. I also used a drum beat over the top which continues most of the way through the track; I decided to do this to make the music more fast and up tempo to fit in with what was happening on the screen. Below is a video which I created using final cut, of my soundtrack playing over the film trailer for Alien (1979). 

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